Text [Product_Name] ;;:= Legal Research Guide: Patterns and Practice, Second Ed., 1990; Bonita K. Roberts, St. Mary's University School of Law; Linda L. Schlueter, Esq.
Text [Version_Number] ;;:= F96A
Text [Default_Program_Group] ;;:= Emanuel Legal Education
Text [Default_Directory_Name] ;;:= \ln-edu\etm
Text [Infobase_Title] ;;:= Legal Research Guide
Text [Icon_Name] ;;:= Legal Research Guide
Text [Infobase_File_Name] ;;:= RBRTSRW.NFO
Text [Shadow_File_Name] ;;:= RBRTSRW.SDW
Text [LDF_File_Name] ;;:= RBRTSRW.LDF
Text [Price] ;;:= 19.95
Text [Dial_Number] ;;:= 880-6947
Text [Support_Number] := 888-TECH-ELO ;; keep this here for uninstaller
Text [Disk_Space_Required] ;;:= 0
;; Begin Procedure Definition Variables
Text [Reg_FName] :=
Text [Reg_MName] :=
Text [Reg_LName] :=
Text [Reg_GradYear] :=
Text [Reg_EMail] :=
Text [Reg_Media] :=
Text [Reg_CCNo] :=
Text [Reg_ExpDate] :=
Text [RegUpdate_Text] :=
Text [Reg_IAttempt] :=
Text [Reg_SchoolId] :=
Text [Reg_Phone] :=
Text [Reg_Zip] :=
Text [Reg_State] :=
Text [Reg_City] :=
Text [Reg_Addr2] :=
Text [Reg_Addr1] :=
Text [Reg_LnId] :=
Number [Reg_CBStore] := 0
Number [Product_Number]
Text [SysFile_Sver] :=
Text [SysFile_Tver] :=
Text [Screen_Option]
Text [User_Id]
Text [User_Time]
Text [User_Date]
Number [User_Install]
Text [User_Version]
Text [ReInstall_File]
Text [ReInstall_Dir]
Number [Products_Ptr] := 0
Number [Products_End] := 0
Number [Count_Num] := 0
Text [Products_Match] := BlankString
Number [Total_QueSize]
Number [FSPC_OnDrive]
Number [FSPC_Needed]
Text [FSPC_Directory]
Number [FSPC_Additional]
TextArray [Files]
Number [Files_Idx]
Number [Dialog_RcMain] := 0
Text [Dialog_FullInstallRc] :=
;; Variables: FSPChk
Text [FSPChk_Options] :=
Text [FSPChk_DirCheck] :=
Text [FSPChk_DirString] :=
Text [FSPChk_Drive] :=
Text [FSPChk_CurrentDir] :=
Number [FSPChk_Count1] := 0
Number [FSPChk_FreeSpace] := 0
Number [FSPChk_QueSize] := 0
Number [FSPChk_Required] := 0
Number [FSPChk_Rc] :=
Number [FSPChk_MaxIdx] :=
Number [FSPChk_Count] :=
TextArray [FSPChk_MsgList]
TextArray [FSPChk_Dir]
;; Variables: ISysFilesB
Text [ISysFileB_Str1] :=
Text [ISysFileB_Dir] :=
Text [ISysFileB_TDir] :=
Text [ISysFileB_BFile] :=
Text [ISysFileB_Str2] :=
Text [ISysFileB_Str3] :=
Number [ISysFileB_InUseIdx] := 0
Number [ISysFilesB_Group] := 0
Number [ISysFileB_Num1] := 0
Number [ISysFileB_DialogRC] :=
Number [ISysFileB_Rc] := 0
TextArray [ISysFileB_InUse]
TextArray [ISysFileB_Names]
;; Variables: GetGroup
TextArray [GetGroup_Name]
Number [GetGroup_Idx] := 0
Text [GetGroup_Select] :=
TextArray [GetGroup_Info]
Number [GetGroup_InfoIdx] := 0
Text [GetGroup_InputGrp] :=
Text [GetGroup_Input] :=
;; Variables: ReadWrt
TextArray [ReadWrt_Dir] ;; Array list of Drive/Directories to check
Text [ReadWrt_Options] := ;; <All> - Checks all known drives for Read/Write access
Number [ReadWrt_Rc] := ;; 0 = All drives have Read/Write access/or selected dir
;; >0 = Indicates one or more Drives/dirs do not have read/write
TextArray [ReadWrt_DirList] ;; TextArray of Drive/Dirs not Read/Write
Number [ReadWrt_MaxIdx] :=
Number [ReadWrt_Count] :=
Text [ReadWrt_DirCheck] :=
Text [ReadWrt_DirString] :=
;; Variables: FSPCErr
Number [FSPCERR_Rc] := 0
;; Variables: ReadWrtErr
Number [ReadWrtErr_Rc] := 0
;; Variables: Parse
Text [Parse_Str] :=
Text [Parse_Text] :=
Text [Parse_Char] :=
Number [Parse_Count] := 0
Number [Parse_Len] := 0
Number [Parse_CharLen] := 0
Number [Parse_Pos1] := 0
TextArray [Parse_Tokens]
Number [Dialog_SysFile] := 0
Text [WinDir] :=
Text [PassThru_Switch] :=
Text [GetIPVL_Dir] :=
Text [Product_Version] :=
Text [Product_CompanyName] :=
Text [Product_DefaultGrp] := Emanuel Electronic Format
LText @xy(75,7) 195 40 "To receive a refund, you will need to call 1-800-EMANUEL. We will ask you for your uninstaller code, which is unique to your installation of the product. Have your uninstaller code ready as shown below, as well as the date you purchased the product."
LText @xy(95,85) 150 20 "[String2]"
LText @xy(8,145) 120 16 "⌐ 1996 Emanuel Law Outlines, Inc."
LText @xy(81,7) 191 50 "You have chosen to exit the Emanuel Electronic Format Uninstall program. The title you have chosen has NOT been Uninstalled successfully. You must run the uninstaller to receive your refund."
LText @xy(8,145) 120 16 "⌐ 1996 Emanuel Law Outlines, Inc."
[String1] := Please select the product to uninstall from the product list below.
;;The specified product to uninstall is invalid. The product as specified via -P: is invalid. To Uninstall an NFO base product you must do so by selecting from the product list below, or via the command line using -P:{filename_below_with_no_file_extension}.
LText @xy(18,7) 255 23 "Select from the following and click 'Next' to continue (to cancel the uninstall process, click 'Cancel.')"
LText @xy(145,32) 130 50 "(If the 30-day money back guarantee has expired, use this option to remove the installed product from your system.)"
LText @xy(145,63) 130 50 "(If you are uninstalling this product within 30 days of purchase, use this option. The software will display an uninstall code, with which you can receive a full refund of the purchase price.)"
LText @xy(20,114) 255 50 "NOTE: Either choice will PERMANENTLY remove the files from your hard drive; to re-install the software, you will need to go through the original install process again. To cancel the uninstall process, click 'Cancel'."
LText @xy(8,145) 120 16 "⌐ 1996 Emanuel Law Outlines, Inc."